The development of international labour standards, Conventions and Recommendations, is the result of the participation of many actors who are not necessarily jurists. The Manual for drafting ILO instruments, available here in electronic and interactive form, is intended as a work of reference for all those involved, directly or indirectly, in the process of developing and drafting these standards. The Manual reflects the drafting practices of the International Labour Organization in its standards-related activity since its beginnings and, on the basis of that prior practice, sets out non-binding observations and recommendations intended to encourage the follow-up and development of good drafting practices. It covers both the main formal components and the substantive content of ILO instruments. It also includes a reference library of the international labour Conventions and Recommendations and relevant documents.
This Manual was prepared by the Office of the Legal Adviser and submitted for examination to a tripartite group of experts. At its 290th Session (June 2004), the Governing Body approved the formula for the composition of the tripartite group, and the following experts were nominated by each group: for the Governments, Ms. Sandra Markman and Mr. Antoine Lyon-Caen; for the Employers, Mr. Edward Potter and Ms. Marie-Paule Roiland; and for the Workers, Mr. Lance Compa and Mr. Jacques Vigne[*]. The meeting was held from 19 to 21 January 2005. |